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Wildlife and Offshore Wind Resources

 Wildlife and Offshore Wind Information Resources 


There are a variety of science communications materials and science-based information available on wildlife and offshore wind energy development. In addition to the webinar library, a selection of printed resources are available below.


If you have suggestions for other resources to add to this page, please email Eleanor Eckel.

Whales and Offshore Wind

Anchor 1

Whales and Offshore Wind

Addressing Misinformation on Offshore Wind Farms and Recent Whale Mortalities 

Department of Energy | 2023 |  Link

Atlantic Marine Conservation Society 2023 Stranding Summary

Atlantic Marine Conservation Society | 2023 |  Link

Associated Press Article: Contrary to politicians' claims, offshore wind farms don't kill whales.

Associated Press | 2023 | Link 

Conserving Marine Wildlife Fact Sheet

Equinor | 2023 | Link 

The Dynamic Ocean: Offshore Wind Energy and Other Activities in the New York Bight

NYSERDA | 2019 | Link

Discovery of Sound in the Sea Frequently Asked Questions 

DOSITS | 2021 | Link

Evaluating drivers of recent large whale strandings on the East Coast of the United States

L.H. Thorne, D.N. Wiley; Conservation Biology | 2024 | Link 

Gotham Whale FAQ

Gotham Whale | 2023 | Link 

Update on Strandings of Large Whales Along the East Coast 

Marine Mammal Commission | 2023 | Link 

Understanding Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events FAQ 

NOAA Fisheries | Link 

RealOffshoreWind Frequently Asked Questions on Offshore Wind

RealOffshoreWind (group of academics from URI and Brown University) | 2023 | Link

Science Friday: The Complicated Truths About Offshore Wind and Right Whales

Science Friday | 2024 | Link

The Science is Clear - Offshore Wind Isn't Killing Whales

Scientific American | 2024 |  Link

Frequent Questions - Offshore Wind and Whales

NOAA Fisheries | 2024 |  Link

Photo credits: Whale fluke © Richard Sagredo

The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a New York State outreach and collaboration effort with environmental stakeholders and offshore wind energy developers from Maine to North Carolina.

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