New York State
Environmental Technical Working Group

State of the Science Workshops
The State of the Science Workshop is a biennial event that brings together stakeholders for environmental and wildlife research and offshore wind energy development along the U.S. Atlantic coast and beyond.
About the Workshop
State of the Science Workshops on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Development are hosted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on behalf of the Offshore Wind Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) and, as of 2024, the Fisheries Technical Working Group (F-TWG) with the expansion to focus the workshop on both wildlife and fisheries.
Broad workshop goals include:
• Engaging and informing interested stakeholders about the state of knowledge regarding wildlife, fisheries, and offshore wind energy development, including ongoing efforts to understand, minimize, and mitigate environmental impacts
• Promoting regional coordination by sharing updates on research studies, guidelines development, and other efforts in the eastern U.S. and elsewhere
• Facilitating collaboration through expert information exchange and discussion
The first workshop was held in 2018, and it is held every two years. See here for information about past workshops. Information about the upcoming 2026 workshop will be posted here - check back for more details as they are finalized and announced in 2025!

Workshop Planning and Structure
The workshop's scientific program is planned by a Scientific Advisory Committee, which is an E-TWG Specialist Committee comprised of representatives from environmental non-profits, offshore wind developers, fisheries, and government agencies, as well as technical support staff from the Biodiversity Research Institute. The workshop has grown from a two-day event in 2018 to a four-day event in 2024 with options for in-person and virtual meeting attendance. Each biennial workshop has a focused theme that is explored through various components including symposia sessions, oral presentations, moderated panel discussions, poster sessions, lightning talks, as well as side meetings, workgroups, and workshops. Proposal and abstract submissions for the workshop's scientific program will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Previous State of the Science workshop themes have included:
Taking an ecosystem approach: Integrating offshore wind, wildlife, and fisheries (2024)
Building on existing knowledge and emerging collaborations (2022)
Assessing the state of the knowledge of offshore wind development's cumulative effects on wildlife and ecosystems (2020)
Understanding the state of the science on wildlife and offshore wind energy development (2018)
The workshop is open to the public with prior registration, and participants include experts from academia, government, industry, environmental non-profits. Workshop registration fees include attendance at all regular sessions and symposia, catered breakfasts and lunches, as well as a dinner and reception during the event. We also encourage students and recent graduates to attend, and a Student Equity Fund is available to support in-person attendance by eligible individuals from historically underrepresented groups with career interests related to offshore wind energy development and environmental/fisheries research. Discounted registration is available to E-TWG and F-TWG members, E-TWG specialist committee members, workshop staff, New York State Employees, keynote speakers, members of the fishing industry, and virtual attendees.​​​
Photo credits: Loggerhead sea turtle © Kate Sutherland