New York State
Environmental Technical Working Group

Specialist Committees
Bird Communications
The Offshore Wind Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) formed a specialist committee in December 2024 to develop communications materials to aid in the dissemination of accurate, science-based information around the potential impacts to birds from offshore wind energy development. The committee will develop a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as a resource for stakeholders who communicate directly with the general public and receive questions related to birds and offshore wind, the first version of which will be published in early 2025.
The FAQ resource will be updated over time to incorporate emerging questions related to birds and offshore wind energy development. A communications toolkit with key talking points will also be produced to accompany the FAQ. These materials will include both text and graphics. Subscribe to the E-TWG mailing list below to receive updates on committee activities and FAQ releases!
Committee members are affiliated with the following organizations, institutions, and agencies:
APEM Limited
Attentive Energy
Duke University
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
Maine Audubon
National Audubon Society
New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection
Normandeau Associates
National Wildlife Federation
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative
The Nature Conservancy
Virginia Dept. of Wildlife Resources
Please fill out this survey to provide input on the topics that the Specialist Committee should cover and/or indicate your willingness to provide your expertise in draft product development. For additional information on this or other E-TWG activities, please contact Julia Gulka.​​​

Other Resources
There are a variety of science communications materials and science-based information available on wildlife and offshore wind energy development in our webinar library, and selected external resources for learning more are also available here.
Photo credits: Wind farm © David Will - pixabay;