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E-TWG Activities

E-TWG Products

E-TWG Annual Bulletins

E-TWG annual updates and highlights including E-TWG activities, New York and regional offshore wind activities, as well as fisheries-related offshore wind initiatives.

2023 Bulletin | 2022 Bulletin | 2021 Bulletin | 2020 Bulletin 


E-TWG Memo to the Public Service Commission

This letter was submitted by the E-TWG as public comment to the New York Public Service Commission and New York Energy Research and Development Authority on April 17 2020. The letter reflects E-TWG support for the inclusion of recommendations developed by BMP Specialist Committee into future New York offshore wind procurements to benefit both wildlife conservation and the offshore wind industryDownload here


E-TWG Communications and Outreach Plan

This document outlines the outreach and communications strategy to support stakeholder engagement in the E-TWG, covering channels of communication, communication topics, and the audiences they are intended to inform. Download here


E-TWG Charter

The charter defines the E-TWG mission and scope, organizational structure, and guiding principles. It is a living document and may be updated periodically as deemed necessary by E-TWG members. Download here


E-TWG Presentations

Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts, September 2023 - download PDF

Pacific Seabird Group Conference, February 2023 - download PDF

Atlantic Flyway Council Joint Environmental Issues Committee, February 2023 - download PDF

Atlantic Flyway Council Joint Environmental Issues Committee, August 2022 - download PDF

Atlantic Flyway Council Joint Environmental Issues Committee, February 2022 - download PDF

Atlantic Flyway Council Joint Environmental Issues Committee, March 2021 - download PDF

NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting, December 2020 - download PDF

North American Ornithological Conference, August 2020 - download PDF

Atlantic Marine Bird Cooperative Meeting, November 2019 - download PDF

The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, November 2019 - download PDF

Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts, August 2019 - download PDF

Business Network for Offshore Wind's International Partnering Forum (IPF), April 2019 - download PDF

NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting workshop on offshore wind energy and wildlife, November 2018 - download PDF

AWEA Offshore Windpower Conference, October 2018 - download PDF

American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2018 - download PDF


Stakeholder Interviews

Twenty-four informal interviews were conducted with stakeholders in October-December 2017 to obtain feedback on the development of this environmental working group, and specifically on development of best management practices (BMPs). Interviews included representatives from state and federal agencies, developers, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and environmental consulting firms. Click here for a summary of those discussions.


List of Acronyms

Definitions of commonly used acronyms across E-TWG materials. Download here

Photo credits: Dogfish shark © Boris Pamikov - shutterstock

The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a New York State outreach and collaboration effort with environmental stakeholders and offshore wind energy developers from Maine to North Carolina.

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