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E-TWG Activities

E-TWG Activities


The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is involved in many ongoing efforts related to the environmentally responsible development of offshore wind. The E-TWG has identified six priority topics to address in the 2021-2022 timeframe, including improvement of coordination between states, review and synthesis of data to inform stakeholder groups, State of the Science Workshops, guidance for regional monitoring and research, guidance for pre- and post construction monitoring and research, and technology advancement for mitigation and monitoring. These topics are being addressed by NYSERDA and the E-TWG via multiple mechanisms.


**links to E-TWG priority topic web pages and products where available are underlined in the below graphic

E-TWG Priorities

Improved Coordination Between States
Synthesis of Data to Inform Stakeholders
Coordination calls among state representatives


FAQ document
Webinar Library and NYSERA Webinar Series,
Biennial workshops
Synthesis of regional research priorities
Taxon-specific guidance for conducting research

E-TWG Role

Provide suggestions for topics of discussion
Specialist Committee
Provide input on  setup and topics for webinars
Input on Topics and Structure

Planning Committee
Specialist Committee
Specialist Committee


Library updates 2-3x per year
Webinar Series Ongoing
Ongoing with Workshops every two years
Late 2021 - Summer 2023
Spring 2022- Fall 2023

End Products

Continued State Coordination
Guidance Document
(Spring 2024 release)

2024 State of the Science Workshop


Avian Displacement Guidance Committee






Whale Communications Committee


Regional Synthesis Workgroup

Photo credits: Dogfish shark © Boris Pamikov - Shuttershock; Offshore windfarm © Chuyuss - Shuttershock; Loggerhead sea turtle © Kate Sutherland; School of sardines © Andrea Izzotti - Fotolio; Gulls © Maria Maliy - Unsplash; Humpback whale © Sandra Seitamaa - Unsplash; Wind farm © David Will - Pixabay

The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a New York State outreach and collaboration effort with environmental stakeholders and offshore wind energy developers from Maine to North Carolina.

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