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2022 State of the Science Workshop

Building on Existing Knowledge and Emerging Collaborations 

2022 State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and

Offshore Wind Energy




The 2022 State of the Science Workshop, hosted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) on behalf of the Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) was held in Tarrytown, New York from July 26-28, 2022 with a virtual session on September 21, 2022. ​




Session Videos


Meeting Agenda


Book of Abstracts

Arhnue Tan.jpg

Side Meetings



The 2022 State of the Science Workshop assembled over

450 stakeholders engaged with environmental and wildlife                                                                        research relevant to offshore wind energy development.

The workshop included twelve presentation sessions

and symposia, 51 oral presentations, and 29 posters.                                                                         


Presentations and discussions focused on the overarching

theme of the 2022 workshop, Building on Existing

Knowledge and Emerging Collaborations. The goals of                                                                             State of the Science Workshops are to:

  • Engage and inform interested stakeholders about the state of knowledge regarding wildlife and offshore wind energy development, including ongoing efforts to understand, minimize, and mitigate environmental impacts

  • Promote regional coordination by sharing updates on research studies, guidelines development, and other efforts in the eastern U.S. and elsewhere

  • Promote collaboration through expert information exchange and discussion



Scientific Program

Terms of Use for Video Links

Links to videos for each workshop session are provided below where available. These presentation files are provided for personal edification only, and should not be cited without contacting the author(s) directly.

Wednesday, July 27th
Welcome and Keynote Address

Anchor 1

Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute

Opening Remarks from NYSERDA and the Workshop Planning Committee

Kate McClellan Press, Senior Project Manager at NYSERDA; Georges Sassine, Vice President for Large-Scale Renewables at NYSERDA; Kate Williams, Technical Program Chair and Director of the Center for Research on Offshore Wind and the Environment at the Biodiversity Research Institute

Video Link


Keynote Address

Ivan Savitsky, Offshore Wind Manager at The Carbon Trust and manager of the Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) for Offshore Wind

Video Link

Session 1: Oral Presentations
Video Link

Pam Loring, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Demersal trawl and ventless trap surveys at Block Island Wind Farm
Dara Wilber, INSPIRE Environmental


NOAA Fisheries and BOEM federal survey mitigation implementation strategy – Northeast U.S Region
Andy Lipsky, NOAA Fisheries


Altered spatial distribution of a marine top predator under elevated ambient sound conditions
Amber Fandel, University of Maryland


Displacement of Red–throated Loon by offshore wind farms in the North Sea of Germany
Georg Nehls, BioConsult SH & HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd.


Piloting the operationalization of net positive impact on an offshore wind project
Jennifer Dupont, Equinor


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 2: Oral Presentations 

Video Link

Anthony Dvarskas, 


Sometimes seen, but often heard: Presence of dolphins and harbor porpoise in potential cable corridor areas
Sarah Trabue, Wildlife Conservation Society


Monitoring the health and movements of pinnipeds in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Robert DiGiovanni, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society


SPACEWHALE: Surveying whales from space as an effective tool for baseline studies and respective monitoring
Julika Voss, BioConsult SH


Extremely reliable locations and calling abundance via passive acoustic monitoring
John Spiesburger, Scientific Innovations, Inc. & University of Pennsylvania

Automatic whale detection from vessels for real–time vessel–strike and noise impact mitigation – current developments and applicability
Daniel Zitterbart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 3 Symposium: Predator-prey Interactions with Forage Fish and Seabirds: Building a Foundation to Understand Indirect Effects of Offshore Wind on Marine Ecosystems

Video Link

Evan Adams, Biodiversity Research Institute

Examination of predator–prey relationships in the context of offshore wind development, focusing on seabirds and their prey. Presenters will describe forage fish trends and communities and the movements of the predators that rely on them, and discuss effects of offshore wind that can precipitate ecosystem changes.


Forage fish occurrence and temporal changes in offshore wind energy areas on the U.S. Northeastern Continental Shelf 
Kevin Friedland, National Marine Fisheries Service (delivered by Evan Adams)


The influence of climate and wind energy development on seabird–forage fish trophic relationships in the Northeast U.S
Michelle Staudinger, U.S. Geological Survey


Forage fish community and surface aggregation dynamics in the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem
Chandra Goetsch, Biodiversity Research Institute


Assessing individual movement, habitat use, and behavior of non–breeding marine birds in relation to planned offshore wind development in the eastern U.S.
Julia Gulka, Biodiversity Research Institute


Filling knowledge gaps: What’s next for understanding changes to seabird–forage fish dynamics?
Evan Adams, Biodiversity Research Institute


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 4: Oral Presentations

Video Link 

Brendan Runde, The Nature Conservancy

Regional habitat modeling results & establishing standard benthic data sharing workflows
Marisa Guarinello, INSPIRE Environmental


Modeling distributions of deep–sea corals offshore of the Southeastern United States to guide efficient discovery and protection of sensitive habitats
Matthew Poti, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science


Use of passive acoustic telemetry to monitor the presence and persistence of highly migratory species within Southern New England wind energy areas
Brian Gervelis, INSPIRE Environmental


Pre–construction evaluation of Atlantic cod spawning in Southern New England offshore wind areas
Alison Frey, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Establishing the Atlantic cod spatiotemporal spawning baseline in Southern New England to assess potential interactions with offshore wind energy
Rebecca Van Hoeck, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 5 Symposium: New York, New York: Working Together to Establish Marine Mammal Baselines in and Around a Wind Energy Lease Area and Associated Cable Corridors

Video Link

Howard Rosenbaum, Wildlife Conservation Society

Introduction to a collaborative project focused on collecting baseline information on cetacean presence in the New York Bight. Presentations discuss project objectives and results thus far and include discussion on collaboration between researchers and developers.


Passive acoustic monitoring in near real–time and associated capabilities
Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


North Atlantic right whale (NARW) presence and vocal activity: Implications for safe passage through the New York Bight
Anita Murray, Wildlife Conservation Society (delivered by Howard Rosenbaum)


Temporal variability in fin whale vocal activity: Understanding occurrence, behavioral shifts, and population structure in the New York Bight
Carissa King, Wildlife Conservation Society


Baleen whale sightings: Distribution, behavior, and overlap with anthropogenic activities
Emily Chou, Wildlife Conservation Society


Using regional datasets to inform environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures: A developer’s perspective

Jennifer Dupont, Equinor


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Thursday, July 28
Session 6: Oral Presentations
Video Link

Juliet Lamb, The Nature Conservancy

Modeling offshore wind infrastructure effects on upper ocean physical and biogeochemical processes and implications for higher trophic levels
Hansong Tang, The City College of New York


Effects of floating offshore wind farms on coastal upwelling in the California Current ecosystem
Kaus Raghukumar, Integral Consulting Inc.


Comparing underwater noise measured during construction of the first two offshore wind farms in the U.S.
Kristen Ampela, HDR, Inc.


Characterizing the operational soundscape of floating offshore wind parks: Implications for environmental risk assessment and wildlife
Jordan Carduner, Equinor


The characterization of acoustic particle motion from loud impulsive and quiet sustained sources of sound
Kaus Raghukumar, Integral Consulting Inc.


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 7: Oral Presentations
Video Link

Shilo Felton, Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute

Environmental drivers of distribution of whales, seabirds, and turtles in the New York Bight
Sarah Courbis, Advisian Worley Group
Modeling past and future spatial distributions of marine bird species in U.S. Atlantic waters
Arliss Winship, CSS Inc. under contract to NOAA NCCOS
Oceanic records of North American bats and implications for offshore wind energy development in the United States
Christian Newman, Electric Power Research Institute
Offshore bat activity patterns detected by vessel–based acoustic monitoring
Nathan Schwab, Tetra Tech
Technology needs for scientifically robust wildlife monitoring and adaptive management of birds and marine mammals
Sarah Courbis, Advisian Worley Group

Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 8 Symposium: If We Build it, Who Will Come? Exploring Artificial Reef Effects Associated with Offshore Wind Installations
Video Link


Carl LoBue, The Nature Conservancy; Annie Murphy, INSPIRE Environmental

Examination of the ecological implications of introducing novel structures such as turbine foundations and scour protection into the marine environment through offshore wind development. Presentations will discuss nature–inclusive designs, identifying knowledge gaps, outlining research methodologies, and associated US–specific socio-ecological aspects.


The flyway concept and assessment of offshore wind impacts on migratory marine fauna
David Secor, University of Maryland


Turbines as artificial reefs, nature–based design options to enhance habitat
Christopher McGuire, The Nature Conservancy


Epifaunal colonization on foundations in the U.S. and subsequent organic enrichment to the seafloor
Annie Murphy, INSPIRE Environmental


Overview of lessons learned from Europe
Steven Degraer, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 9 Symposium: Collaborative Animal Movement Studies to Improve Conservation Outcomes

Video Link


Pam Loring, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Discussion of current efforts and next steps for coordination and analysis of wildlife telemetry data for offshore wind research, monitoring, and assessments in the Atlantic. Using birds as a case study, symposium speakers will focus on coordinated automated radio telemetry (Motus) and satellite telemetry (e.g., Argos and GPS).


Development of a coordinated offshore Motus network for monitoring birds and bats at site specific to regional scales

Pamela Loring, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Evaluating the impact of offshore Motus study design choices on the presence and movements of birds in marine environments
Evan Adams, Biodiversity Research Institute


SCRAM model for estimating offshore avian collision risk using avian movement data
Andrew Gilbert, Biodiversity Research Institute


A framework to determine optimal sample sizes and transmitter distribution for individual tracking studies
Juliet Lamb, The Nature Conservancy


Combining satellite telemetry data across studies for Sterna terns relative offshore wind energy in Brazil
Rafael Revorêdo, Centro de Estudos e Monitoramento Ambiental


Q&A / Panel Discussion

Session 10 Symposium: Autonomous Solutions Responding to the Oceanographic and Ecological Monitoring Needs of Offshore Wind Development

Video Link


Josh Kohut & Grace Saba, Rutgers University

Panel discussion focused on the use of autonomous platforms such as underwater gliders in offshore wind-related ecological and environmental monitoring. An introductory presentation will highlight a recent successful example of replacing vessel-based surveys from Antarctica with autonomous survey platforms. Panel discussion will include federal, state, and private sector perspectives on autonomous monitoring and regulatory solutions.


Autonomous monitoring for resource assessment in the Antarctic and California Current
Christian Reiss, NOAA Fisheries


Panel Discussion

Josh Kohut, Rutgers University

Grace Saba, Rutgers University

Andy Lipsky, NOAA Fisheries

Kate McClellan Press, NYSERDA

Kira Lawrence, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Renee Riley, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Greg DeCelles, Orsted

Christian Reiss, NOAA Fisheries

Session 11 Symposium: Progress on RWSE Science Plan for Wildlife, Habitat, and Offshore Wind Energy in the U.S. Atlantic

Video Link


Emily Shumchenia, Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative

The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative (RWSC) is focused on how offshore wind development will affect wildlife and ecosystems off the U.S. Atlantic coast. This symposium will provide an update on development of integrated science plans, and how they will inform future coordination of research activities and funding. Following presentations from each taxa-based subcommittee, a concluding discussion will address future expectations and considerations.


General RWSC introduction and recent progress, and Protected Fish Subcommittee update
Emily Shumchenia, RWSC


Marine Mammal Subcommittee update

Deborah Brill, Duke University


Bird & Bat Subcommittee update
Zara Dowling, University of Massachusetts Clean Energy Extension


Sea Turtle Subcommittee update
Avalon Bristow, RWSC


Habitat & Ecosystem Subcommittee update
Marisa Guarinello, INSPIRE Environmental


Panel Discussion

Kyle Baker, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Colleen Brust, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection

Jennifer Dupont, Equinor

Garry George, National Audubon

Carl LoBue, The Nature Conservancy

Scott Johnston, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chris Orphaneides, NOAA Fisheries

Concluding Remarks

Video Link

Concluding remarks from members of the scientific organizing committee for the 2022 State of the Science Workshop on Wildlife and Offshore Wind Energy, including: Greg Decelles, Orsted; Kate Williams, Biodiversity Research Institute; and Kate McClellan Press, NYSERDA

Photo credits: Banner offshore wind farm © Nicholas Doherty; Loggerhead sea turtle © Kate Sutherland; Whale and birds © Humberto Braojos; Benthic habitat © Arhnue Tan; Offshore wind farm © Chuyuss

The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a New York State outreach and collaboration effort with environmental stakeholders and offshore wind energy developers from Maine to North Carolina.

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