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New Paper Published in Frontiers
A framework for studying the effects of offshore wind energy development on birds and bats in the Eastern United States has been published in Frontiers in Marine Science. Learn More

Release: Whale Communications Committee Publishes Frequently Asked Questions

The Whale Communications Specialist Committee, a specialist committee of the E-TWG has released the first round of FAQs to aid in the dissemination of current, accurate, and readily understandable information around recent whale mortality events and the level of potential risk to whales from offshore wind energy development activities.
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2024 State of the Science Workshop, July 16th-19th, Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York


The New York State Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a team of stakeholders that provides advice on how to advance offshore wind energy development in environmentally responsible ways. 

What is the Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG)?

The E-TWG is an independent advisory body to the State of New York with a regional focus on offshore wind and wildlife issues in the eastern U.S. It is comprised of offshore wind developers and science-based environmental non-government organizations (NGOs), as well as state and federal wildlife regulatory agencies. 



The E-TWG helps promote environmentally responsible advancement of offshore wind development through (1) regional collaboration and (2) advice and guidance to New York State.


E-TWG Objectives

  • Improve our understanding of, and ability to manage for, potential effects of offshore wind energy development on wildlife.

  • Develop transparent, collaborative processes for identifying and addressing priority issues relating to wildlife monitoring and mitigation.

  • Reduce permitting risk and uncertainty for developers by improving clarity in expectations and processes for wildlife monitoring and mitigation.


Who We Are

The E-TWG is led by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and includes offshore wind developers with active leases between Massachusetts and North Carolina; science-based environmental NGOs with expertise on offshore wind energy issues; state agency representatives from Massachusetts to Virginia; and federal agencies with offshore wind and wildlife jurisdiction. Learn more


E-TWG Charter

The Charter describes the mission, objectives, and tasks proposed for the Environmental Technical Working Group. Learn more

Photo credits: Offshore windfarm © Chuyuss - shutterstock



The Environmental Technical Working Group (E-TWG) is a New York State outreach and collaboration effort with environmental stakeholders and offshore wind energy developers from Maine to North Carolina.

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